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Special needs and learning disabilities


Special education is directed towards students with special needs or with disabilities such as: communication challenges, learning challenges, physical disabilities, emotional or mental disorders, behavioral disorders or intellectual giftedness.

This training course is designed to empower teachers with the expertise and strategies needed to provide inclusive and effective education to students with special needs and learning disabilities. Participants will gain valuable insights, practical tools, and hands-on experience to create supportive learning environments and foster the success of all students.   

Main goals : 

  • Enhance participants’ knowledge and understanding of special needs and learning disabilities.
  • Equip educators with practical strategies and tools for creating inclusive classrooms.
  • Enable educators to develop and implement effective Individualized Education Plans (IEPs).
  • Build educators’ confidence in managing diverse student behaviors and communication needs.
  • Foster collaboration between educators, parents, and specialists to provide holistic support to special needs students.
  • Promote a commitment to continuous professional development in the field of special education. 

  • raise teachers’ awareness of attitudes towards teaching learners with special educational needs
  • help teachers identify and overcome their own biases and prejudices
  • inform teachers about a range of special educational needs and how they affect teaching and learning
  • give teachers a set of teaching strategies which promote inclusive learning and benefit all pupils
  • guide teachers in developing an inclusive approach in their classroom or school
  • support teachers in becoming a more confident teacher when dealing with learners with special educational needs.

Objectives and learning outputs

  • Understand Special Needs and Learning Disabilities: – Identify various types of special needs and learning disabilities. – Recognize the unique challenges faced by students with disabilities.
  • Implement Inclusive Teaching Strategies: – Apply Universal Design for Learning (UDL) principles. – Modify curriculum and instructional methods to accommodate diverse learners.
  • Develop Individualized Education Plans (IEPs): – Understand the IEP process and its importance. – Collaborate with specialists and parents to create effective IEPs.
  • Assessment and Differentiation: – Utilize appropriate assessment methods for special needs students. – Implement differentiated instruction to meet students’ diverse needs.
  • Effective Communication and Behavior Management: – Employ communication strategies tailored to individual needs. – Implement positive behavior support techniques.
  • Utilize Assistive Technologies and Resources: – Identify and integrate assistive technologies. – Access and utilize available resources to support special needs students.   

The educational programme will be re-organised accordingly to the professional needs of our partners. All courses proposed will pass through an accurate assesment of needs, goals and learning outputs. This process will be enhanced before every partnership request as the daily schedule.

20/24/28/40 hours 
Course location: Infol – Innovation Training Orientation and Employment
Site:  Roma, Athens
Number of days of training: 5/6/7/10
Lesson time: 4 hours 
Language of instruction: English , French, Turkish, Italian, Spanish,Bulgarian, Romanian. 
Participation fee:send mail to [email protected]


The course will combine theory input and discussion with analysis of practical incidents with the purpose of finding out different possible solutions. The methodology used is mainly content-based language instruction (communication through specific content).Text discussion, oral presentation and discussion, role-playing, self- and meta-reflection, debating and group interaction will be the strategies more frequently used.

  • Active methodologies
  • Role playing
  • Simulations
  • New technologies
  • Visits/workshops in educational institutions as schools, universities, educational centers, and companies


  • Europass Mobility
  • Certificate of Attendance

Upcoming sessions

Location: Roma

  • October 2024: Week 1 (September 30 – October 4)
  • November 2024: Week 1 (October 28 – November 1)
  • January 2025: Week 2 (January 6 – 10)
  • February 2025: Week 1 (February 3 – 7)
  • March 2025: Week 2 (March 10 – 14)
  • April 2025: Week 3 (April 14 – 18)
  • May 2025: Week 2 (May 12 – 16)
  • June 2025: Week 3 (June 16 – 20)
  • July 2025: Week 4 (July 21 – 25)
  • September 2025: Week 4 (September 22 – 26)
  • November 2025: Week 4 (November 24 – 28)
  • December 2025: Week 1 (December 1 – 5)