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Schools’ first aid training

This comprehensive first aid training course is specifically designed for school staff, teachers, and administrators. It covers essential first aid skills and knowledge to respond to common emergencies and ensure the safety and well-being of students and colleagues. Parents are expected to trust teachers with their children for many hours a day, so much so that school becomes something like the children’s second home. So when a young student finds themselves in a medical emergency, it is the teacher’s duty to step in and protect that student’s life. Therefore, whether such an incident occurs in the playground, the cafeteria, or during an excursion, teachers are supposed to be well-equipped enough to deal with it against all adversities. That is why this course offers substantial knowledge of, as well as hands-on training in first aid that covers a broad range of common risks for school students and faculty members alike. This course should be conducted by certified instructors with experience in first aid training, and participants should receive official certification upon successful completion. Additionally, regular updates and refresher courses are recommended to maintain proficiency in first aid skills.

Lesson 1: Introduction to First Aid
– Overview of the course and its importance in school settings.
– Understanding the Good Samaritan Law and legal aspects of providing first aid.
– Basic principles of first aid and the role of a first aider.
– Recognizing and managing stress and emotions during emergencies.
– Introduction to the ABCs of first aid (Airway, Breathing, Circulation).

Lesson 2: Basic Life Support (BLS)
– CPR (Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation) techniques for adults, children, and infants.
– Use of Automated External Defibrillators (AEDs).
– Choking emergencies and how to perform the Heimlich maneuver.
– Hands-on practice with mannequins and AED trainers.

Lesson 3: Injury Assessment and Wound Care
– How to assess injuries and prioritize care.
– Dealing with cuts, scrapes, burns, and puncture wounds.
– Bandaging and wound dressing techniques.
– Recognizing and managing head, neck, and spine injuries.
– Practice scenarios involving various injuries.

Lesson 4: Medical Emergencies
– Recognizing signs and symptoms of common medical emergencies (e.g., heart attacks, strokes, seizures).
– Appropriate response and first aid actions for different medical conditions.
– Administration of epinephrine auto-injectors (EpiPens) for severe allergic reactions.
– Role-play exercises for handling medical emergencies in a school setting.

Lesson 5: Environmental and Pediatric First Aid
– First aid for environmental emergencies (e.g., heat exhaustion, hypothermia).
– Special considerations for pediatric first aid.
– Recognizing and responding to common childhood injuries and illnesses.
– Review of the entire course content and skills through practical scenarios.

Learning objectives

• Participants will be able to efficiently and successfully deal with emergencies such as: Choking, Seizures, Shock, Head Injuries, Fainting, Bleeding, Heat Stroke.

•Participants will also get the opportunity to learn life-saving techniques such as: CPR (Cardio-Pulmonary Resuscitation), The Heimlich Maneuver, Treating a bleeding wound.

•Additional information includes: The contents of a first aid kit for schools, How to properly handle an unconscious casualty, How to successfully communicate with an emergency operator.

20/24/28/40 hours 
Course location: Infol – Innovation Training Orientation and Employment
Site:  Rome, Athens
Number of days of training: 5/6/7/10
Lesson time: 4 hours 
Language of instruction: English,French, Turkish, Italian, Portuguese, Spanish,Bulgarian, Romanian. 

Upcoming sessions

Location: Athens

  • Starting on 06.11.2023 – Ending on 10.11.2023
  • Starting on 26.02.2024 – Ending on 01.03.2024
  • Starting on 03.06.2024 – Ending on 07.06.2024