Career consultancy in schools

Career guidance, according to UNESCO constitutes the services which help people of any age manage their careers and make the educational, training and occupational choices that are in their best interest. Study after study, research has clearly indicated the effectiveness of career counseling and also a growing necessity for its services. The reason behind this necessity is that more and more students find themselves lost in a vast sea of career options to choose from and a highly competitive job market that requires a great level of dedication, qualifications and experience.

Therefore, the role of a career consultant is to help students develop a clear understanding of career options from an early age so that they can plan accordingly for the future. As a matter of fact, this method has recently been added to the growing list of responsibilities taken on by many teachers in the ever-evolving world of education in an effort to aid young people in the discovery of their abilities and personality traits.

This training program places emphasis on the aims and purposes of career consultancy and the cultivation of crucial skills such as the conducting of career tests and the composition of appropriate CVs and enlightening cover letters. In addition, it promises to help teachers and tutors work with parents and guardians who, according to several studies, can have a crucial impact on young peoples’ career decisions. 

Lesson 1: Introduction to Career Consultancy
– Overview of the course and its objectives.
– Understanding the role of a career consultant.
– Importance of career planning and guidance.
– Exploring different career paths and opportunities.
– Introduction to assessment tools and resources.

Lesson 2: Self-Assessment and Goal Setting
– Self-awareness exercises to identify strengths, weaknesses, interests, and values.
– Setting career goals and objectives.
– Matching personal qualities with potential careers.
– Case studies and group discussions.

Lesson 3: Career Exploration
– Researching various career options and industries.
– Guest speaker sessions with professionals from different fields.
– Analyzing job market trends and demand.
– Identifying educational and training requirements for specific careers.

Lesson 4: Resume Building and Interview Skills
– Crafting an effective resume and cover letter.
– Interview preparation techniques.
– Mock interview practice and feedback.
– Professional communication and etiquette.

Lesson 5: Career Planning and Networking
– Creating a personalized career action plan.
– Networking strategies and building professional connections.
– Utilizing online resources and job search platforms.
– Addressing career challenges and adapting to changes.

Learning objectives

  • Gain basic awareness of a student’s competence, aptitude and interests. 
  • Correlate academic knowledge with possible employment options.
  • Broaden your horizons in relation to the job market.
  • Facilitate the elicitation of information in an interview.
  • Advise pupils on how to compose a curriculum vitae (CV) and acquire letters of recommendation. 
  • Prepare students for interviews. 
  • Cooperate with parents. 
  • Collaborate with fellow career experts.

20/24/28/40 hours 
Course location: Infol – Innovation Training Orientation and Employment
Site:  Athens
Number of days of training: 5/6/7/10
Lesson time: 4 hours 
Language of instruction: English,French, Turkish, Italian, Portuguese, Spanish,Bulgarian, Romanian. 

Upcoming sessions

Location: Athens

  • Starting on 13.11.2023 – Ending on 17.11.2023
  • Starting on 05.02.2024 – Ending on 09.02.2024
  • Starting on 10.06.2024 – Ending on 14.06.2024